Request a template

Once you've subscribed as a user, you can request templates for transfer and publication in your Webflow's account, normally take up to 24 hour.

Important! Not all templates are included in Flowmance+. Only those listed on the Plus page are available. You can check and select from over 150+ templates here.

Basic Plan will be allowed to request 2 template per day,

Lifetime Plan will be allowed to request 5 template per day.

For any question contactus at

What's your full name?*

We will use this in email communications

What is the email you use for your Webflow account?*

This email should match the email used on Webflow account and Subscribe recipe

Order Number?*

You can find it in Recipe Confirmation email

Choose your templates, write the names below*

Request 2 templates if you are on Basic and Elite Plan or 5 templates if your are on Lifetime Plan

Note: Please don't request more templates than your plan allows. Everything is automated. If you request 5 templates on the Basic plan, you will receive only the first 2.

Thank you for your request. The transfer has started and typically takes around up to 24h, depending on the volume requested.
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